Researched and designed additional features to boost engagement and accessibility for players. Capstone for Designlab’s UX Academy.
Mobile screen concept for an app that assists pharmacists with documenting and approving patient prescriptions.
Mobile screens for Murabeit, an app I researched and designed that assists movers with planning and packing. Capstone for Designlab’s UX Academy.
Mobile screens for an e-commerce store specializing in audio equipment.
Dashboard concept for an app that helps content creators tracks media analytics across multiple social platforms.
Concept for a mobile educational app that trains music producers and engineers with audio ear training using a gamified approach.
Revolutionizing how frequent flyers compare and redeem travel points.
Increasing player engagement through an overhauled website.
In 2 days, we launched an MVP that saves money and time for co-parents with hassle-free mediation.