DreamWorld is an upcoming MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) preparing for their Alpha 2 build release. To boost player adoption and sign-up conversions, the website needed a significant overhaul.
Keeping in close contact with the co-founders and lead engineer, I analyzed the existing website, identified areas for improvement, and implemented a player-centric redesign. This included optimizing the layout for various devices, streamlining the sign-up process, and enhancing visual appeal.
DreamWorld now has a dynamic, responsive website that not only attracts new players but also retains their interest, ultimately leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
Task Completion Rate: Measure how long it takes users to sign up. This will help identify any friction points in the sign-up process and areas for improvement.
Sign-Up Conversion Rate: Measure the percentage of visitors who successfully sign up. This metric indicates the effectiveness of the onboarding process and overall user interest.
Bounce Rate: Measure the percentage of visitors who leave on the first page. A lower bounce rate suggests that the website is engaging and successfully capturing user interest.
Net Promoter Score: Measure user feedback scores and satisfaction rate. This provides insight into overall user satisfaction and likelihood to recommend the website to others.
Revolutionizing how frequent flyers compare and redeem travel points.
In 2 days, we launched an MVP that saves money and time for co-parents with hassle-free mediation.
A showcase of design concepts I’ve worked on. Some are ideas I think would be helpful, others are purely for funsies.